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“From My to Me” (2020) by Olia Lialina @ InterfaceCritique.net

Facebook link from 2012 to Vimeo — to the video for “Roman Yell,” a song by rock band La Snacks, directed by Casey Pinkston and Julian Londoño — link is captioned, “Hey we are playing in less than a week and playing Roman Yell for the first time in three years. Watch this video over and over in preparation.”

Vimeo says, “Sorry, we couldn't find that page” — for the video for “Roman Yell,” a song by La Snacks.

“Roman Yell” (Audio) by La Snacks @ Bandcamp.com

Bug: image alt text not showing in Safari.

“#141548: justin-reeves.net - img alt text not showing in Safari” @ WebCompat.com

Bug: image of me in Firefox, for this website, is upside down.

Bug: image in Firefox, for this website, is rotated on side.

“Bug 1917547: justin-reeves.net - Images are flipped upside down” Bugzilla @ Mozilla.org“Bug 1627423: Orientation info in PNGs isn’t used” Bugzilla @ Mozilla.org

“Lessons in Friendship” (1997) by A.J. Langer from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

“Why Isn’t Evan Rachel Wood’s Once and Again Available to Stream?” (2020) by Kate Aurthur @ Variety.com“Marin Hinkle calls for reboot of Once And Again: ‘You wouldn’t even have to pay me!’” (2018) by Sarah Deen @ Metro.co.uk
“‘We Try Harder’ and Other Famous Ad Campaigns by Paula Green” by Cameron Byerly @ Duke.edu
“Emily Hughes reads Wild” @ YouTube.com
Emma’s Dilemma by Henry Hills @ UPenn.edu
art by Emma Bee Bernstein

“No Name Hurricanes” by Ashlynn Ivy @ YouTube.com
“Sacrament” by Rayne Fisher-Quann @ TikTok.com[Untitled Parts] by Rayne Fisher-Quann @ TikTok.com

Thoughts of Toronto’s Joe Clark’s “unmain” blog.Fawny.org

“Too Small to Fail” (Sep 2010) by forgetters @ YouTube“Trouble With the Bayou” (Feb 2010) by La Snacks @ YouTube.com“I think about war” (Mar 2013) by the band forgetters @ YouTube.com“Emo Kind of Love” @ Emo’s (Jan 2008) by La Snacks @ YouTube.com
“Mainstream is not enough.” — La Snacks
“Art Is Dead” by Bo Burnham @ YouTube.com
“Freddy” by Pens @ YouTube.com
“You’re So Hot to Me” by Commuted @ Bandcamp.com“Flora and Fauna” by La Snacks @ Bandcamp.com
A “Ciara Horan Tribute” feat. BelowGround’s “Freaking Out” by “Joules Jools” @ YouTube.com
(Updating . . .)

Feb 2025